Day # 93
Day 93 – Sunday, August 20th, 1995
I feel like there is something wrong. When I woke up there was no road crew. No getting Jesse into his road outfit and into his wheelchair. No rush through breakfast to meet reach our start point, meet our police escort and begin another day on the road. Today there is silence. The first sound I heard was our little dog Charlie giving a small whimper at our bedroom door. I’d forgotten she does that when she wants to be with you. After spending the night in Jesse’s room, Charlie wants to visit.
After breakfast I didn’t know quite what to do with myself. It’s funny how you can get into such a routine that when it’s suddenly not there, you feel a little lost. I watched Sherene and it didn’t take me long to realize just how swamped with work she has been through this journey. I don’t know how she keeps it all going. Jesse and I both enjoyed a slow day, catching up on bits of family news and for the first time in more than three months, enjoying dinner at home with the family. After supper I enjoyed time with Sherene and kids, Tyler, Jesse and Tim. All too soon the day was over. Tomorrow we begin again.