John's Presentation

John Davidson is the Guinness World Record holder for the fastest crossing of Canada on foot.
He knows what it means to Go The Distance—while helping others.
A lot of speakers will tell you that their presentation is unique.
Here’s what makes John’s story a real ‘one-of-a-kind.’
John has actually done what he talks about—he has persevered and been consistent without fail in the face of great adversity.
John’s is a story of unbelievable perseverance, commitment and dedication.
And here is the benefit for you and your team. You get to harvest the lessons John learned first-hand when he stepped outside his comfort zone and rose to the challenge.
John’s story is about perseverance and sticking with it on the road to becoming a leader.
John is an inspiring influencer (and gifted storyteller) who brings you a captivating message.
Dedication and commitment are the hallmarks of John Davidson’s philosophy when it comes to getting things done. John will share with you what it takes to look closely, think deeply and persist calmly on the road to success.
John is a former broadcaster and a member of the Order of Ontario. The foundation that John and his son Jesse created through Jesse’s Journey has raised more than $30M to fund medical research and their foundation is recognized around the world.
John is a professional speaker who speaks directly to you.
He’s an author whose message is geared at having your team take pride in performing like a well-oiled machine—while loving their work—and achieving their goals.
Can you really afford to miss this story?
This is a ‘capsule look’ at some of the things I hope you’ll take with you from my presentation.
You already know that it doesn’t cost anything to daydream, so as you start to visualize just what it is that you want to do, dream big! You can always make revisions when you get down to putting your blueprint on paper. It’s also a good idea to ‘begin with the end in mind.’ This will help you determine where your project starts and where it ends.
When it comes to the team that is going to tackle the job, you might want to start by identifying all the job categories that need to be filled. Then go out and find the right people for each of those categories.
There is probably going to be a time window that you have in mind for your project. This is where things get a little tricky. Do the best you can to make sure your launch date is realistic and once you’ve done everything you can to prepare—you must make a start. Be prepared because this may well involve stepping outside of your comfort zone. This is likely going to involve asking yourself just how much you really want to reach your goal.
Once your underway make sure you monitor how things are going. This lets you accurately measure your progress. Doing this every day will help you to stay on course. (Keep in mind that every jet plane that leaves the ground is off-course hundreds of times before it reaches its destination. Just keep fine-tuning things and making whatever course corrections are necessary each and every day.)
More than anything else—persevere—persevere—persevere! Having a ‘never give up’ attitude is the key to making everything else work.
And finally, when you get to where you want to be, and you’ve reached your goal—enjoy the experience. This is the moment that is a lot sweeter if you spend time recognizing the people who brought you to the point where all of you have achieved success!
And then—it’s time to dream again. Dream about that next goal. And dream big!

“Compelling and inspiring… a dedicated father demonstrates how a powerful commitment can make a difference.”
Lloyd Robertson
Former CTV National News Anchor
“This is a true blood, sweat and tears adventure! We all should jump out of bed in the morning and ask ourselves ‘how can I inspire others moving forward as John has done.'”
Bill Johnson – Former CEO
McDonald’s restaurants of Canada
“John’s keynote message of determination and his great story telling skill in encouraging people to develop a ‘stick with it attitude’ was a perfect fit for Domino’s. Our people felt they were a part of the ‘journey’ as they learned the true meaning of perseverance. They could feel the energy that was harnessed in building a winning team.”
Ken Sewchand
Dominos Pizza
“John’s presentation is not just an incredible story but it’s the way he weaves his story to engage and challenge his audience that captivates.
For PricewaterhouseCoopers employees John set the stage for our conference.
This presentation is a winner!”
Kevin Robertson
Tax Services partner PwC
“John’s captivating style and the power and passion of his message had us transfixed. His inspiring and deeply moving story about his experiences on the road across Canada was a magnificent opener for the DFK International Annual Conference.”
Martin Sharp
Executive Director DFK International
London England
“I always believe that we meet people in this life not by chance but by purpose… John is one of those people!! The message of Jesse’s Journey will inspire you and create a stir deep within you to find your purpose and make a difference in the lives of others.”
Adeline Thomson
Advocis Banff School
“John Davidson’s inspiring presentation was the perfect ending to our Red Cross Youth Leadership Conference. Between the tears and the laughter, we were all captivated. The audience felt the presentation was done specifically for them!”
Red Cross Youth Leadership Conference
“Many speakers will say their presentation is unique. Most are not.
John Davidson does have a ‘one-of-a-kind’ presentation.
Tailor-made to fit the client’s needs, this skillful storyteller engaged all of us at Oriana Financial Group by igniting the spark of possibility within each of us. This presentation definitely brought new meaning to the words ‘corporate team.’ “
Dan Prentice
Oriana Financial Group of Canada Ltd
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