Day # 100
Day 100 – August 27th, 1995
After a not so good night, we are up and drive to our start point in Acton. I can’t believe I’m this tired before we even get going. I pick up the pace pretty good and Marilyn Sargeantson, the mayor of Halton Hills, joins us on the road. She stays for lunch when we take a break at 12:30 just west of Brampton. City-TV comes out from Toronto to do an interview and Trish Federkow, our Road Manager, arranges for me to see a doctor in Brampton about my throat which has been feeling pretty ragged for quite some time. I left the road at 3:15 after 22 kilometres to go to Peel Memorial Hospital. The doctor says my throat is very ripped but the vocal cords at OK. He gave me a strong prescription and then it was back to the road where things are still very busy. By the end of the day we have collected quite a bit of money, which in a nice way means more work. Each day the money has to be sorted and counted and deposited. We never leave money on the motorhome. Meanwhile Trish gets laundry organized for the morning. We have to be up at 5:30 to drive into Toronto for an appearance on Canada AM. This is going to be tough on Jesse. I hope we can get him through Toronto OK. I worry about this part. I almost forgot; we ran into some tough hills today which I wasn’t expecting. That didn’t help things. 24 days left to go.