Anniversary Posting #1
20 years ago today, before there was a Family Day, I was in training and I was exactly 50 days away from the start of my attempt to walk across Canada. I intended to make a difference in the lives of all those boys just like Jesse – kids who suffer from Duchenne muscular dystrophy.
Looking back at the photos I’m reminded that I was starting that walk on Jesse’s birthday, April 10th and it would be 50 years to the day that I arrived in Canada.
The black and white picture is my sister and I in Halifax as we boarded the train for Toronto, after arriving from Scotland. Along with my mom and dad, we did what thousands and thousands of people had done before us – we passed through the immigration shed at Pier 21, the gateway to becoming Canadians.
This may be a good day for you to pull out one of your photo albums and look back with pride at your family. Think of the pictures still to come.
Have a Happy Family Day
Stay tuned. There’s more to come. The Journey continues…..